Awara IT Solutions - MS Project, Redmine and Kayako features merged in Easy Redmine
Awara IT Solutions is a unique service provider of IT solutions for modern and efficient business in Russia. Operating within the Awara Group since 1998, the company serves customers from Scandinavia and Western Europe.
Before the Easy Redmine implementation, the client was using three systems simultaneously: Redmine and MS project for project management, and Kayako for support services automation. The main disadvantages of this overall solution were:
- Multi-platform
- Non-availability of tracking of Support and Project tasks in one system
That's why the main requirement for Easy Redmine were complexity - aggregation of different business processes – such as a Planning, Project Management, Support Automation, Budget tracking, Back office processes: personal time management, attendance, payrolls – into one system.
Awara bought Easy Redmine in November 2013 and they chose the on-premise solution for unlimited count of users. Consequently, they switched to Easy Redmine completely in May 2014. During this period, a large amount of work was performed by Easy Redmine and Avara IT teams. Mutual settings and system adjustments were implemented. Thanks to the flexibility of setting, the majority of the client's requirements were implemented using the standard settings tools and more specific requirements were customized on–demand.
In practice, Awara IT uses:
- Project realization - task tracking, Gantt Charts, task timer for entering time spent, advanced custom fields, filter and list options, Quick Planner tables and Resource Management, Knowledge base
- Support service automation - creation of support mailboxes for automated ticket processing, maintenance projects, "Clients portal" for client access and task templates using a “Magic Button” (Java script helper – allows to create tasks with predefined parameters)
- Financial management – Budget planning, transparent wage costs, salary count automation, cost tracking of every task (Activation of “Money” module on the task level)
The client pays 7200 Rub per month for maintenance services
The workers' hourly rate is 400 Rub per hour
Estimated Time is 9 hours, Spent time is 8 hours
Planned profit is 3600 Rub, Real profit is 4000 Rub
Client testimonial:
Working with Easy Redmine completely satisfies all of our requests. Nevertheless, we are still waiting for implementing new features such as:
- Graphic stats
- More flexible answers settings in helpdesk
- Some tool within the system for logo changing
Anyway, on the current PM software market, Easy Redmine has a worthy level in comparison to other systems. We wish Easy Redmine team ambitious plans and inspiration!