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People and Earth are our stakeholders

That's why we give the part of our gross sales to the projects that help our planet and social development.

We focus on ecology, educational development, psycho-hygiene, and mental health.


supported organizations

258,700 €

money donated

Growth is healthy if we can share it

We are a global company based in the Czech Republic that has been creating SaaS project management software for 15 years. From the beginning, we have been aware that no business owes its success to itself. If it weren't for our planet and the richness of the human community that inhabits it, there would be no software. And neither would any company.

The essence of functioning in any ecosystem is based on reciprocity. That is why we consider activities promoting environmental and social sustainability to be a natural and inseparable part of the business.

Environmental responsibility

Whether it's promoting clean oceans or eco-friendly cleaning products in our offices, we aim to minimize our impact on the environment.

Human development

Education, mental health, or mindfulness. Because all growth begins in the head.

Projects supported

The Ocean Cleanup

A movement that aims to rid the oceans of up to 90% of plastic through new technologies. The organization has so far managed to dispose of 464,920 kg of plastic.

Mindfulness Foundation

An organization that aims to help socially disadvantaged groups through the practice of yoga and mindfulness.

Ukraine's organization

We provide Easy Redmine to several companies and NGOs in times of war for fundraising needs and to keep the process in a PMO-like style in cooperation with our partner Starlings.

People in Need

NGO based on the ideas of humanism, freedom, equality, and solidarity.

Centre for Supportive Care Léčivka

The non-medical department of Thomayer Hospital, which takes into account the non-medical aspects of the patient's problem in the treatment of long-term and chronic diseases.

The part of gross sales for People and Earth

For us, sustainability and social responsibility are not just about "cleaning up karma". It's a solid part and essence of our business. That's why, we have made a commitment to regularly donate the part of our gross sales to these causes. And for non-profit organizations, that means a stable income. All in a transparent way.

We have taken an inspiration for our actions from the 1% for the Planet movement. But we think it's important to always include people in the equation.

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