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- カスタマーサクセスチーム
必要とされている Redmine の機能を1回のアップグレードで。
Easy Redmine は、包括的で拡張可能な Redmine アップグレードです。必要とされているプラグインと機能を持つモバイルデザインの組み合わせで、プロジェクト管理を快適なものにし、コミュニケーションを促進、ユーザーエクスペリエンスを向上、時間の節約を可能にします。リソース、アジャイル、ファイナンス、CRM、ヘルプデスク、DevOpsプラグインにより拡張が可能です。
サーバー用 Easy Redmine
ユーザー満足度の向上と効率的な旧来の管理とアジャイル管理を行うために、サーバー上の Redmine をアップグレードします。

クラウドの Easy Redmine
グローバルな Easy Redmine クラウドは、アップグレードに最適な選択肢です。グローバルで安全なクラウドで即座に高度な Redmine を使うことができます。
Capterra で、お客様は Easy Redmine をどのように評価しているでしょうか?
Capterra での Easy Redmine の評価 4.3/5(65 レビュー)

Easy Redmine ソリューション
Easy Redmine 拡張
Easy Redmine を、Resource Management、Agile、Finances、CRM、Help Desk、DevOps プラグインで拡張。

Easy Redmine は Redmine コミュニティで育てられ、Easy Software 社の専門エンジニアのチームにより、14年以上にわたり開発されてきました。目標は、Easy Redmine をプロジェクト管理のための最高のオープンソース・ソリューションにすることです。
Easy Redmine ケーススタディ

Transporeon – effective resource management in transportation logistics
IT solution in logistics
TRANSPOREON Group provides 3 SaaS-based logistics platforms currently linking over 1 000 shippers, 45 000 carriers and 100 000 users in over 85 countries. Easy Redmine helps to build the efficient management of resources.

Easy Redmine - more than project management. A complex information system!
RTL RADIOCENTER BERLIN runs some of the well-known radio stations in Germany and are a successful media marketing organization. Easy Redmine allows managing all important processes and projects in one tool.
Redmine ブログ&ニュース
Effective project management in medical manufacturing: Overcoming key challenges
Medical device manufacturing is a highly regulated and complex industry, where precision, compliance, and efficiency are non-negotiable. However, this industry often faces a myriad of challenges related to project management.
Fortunately, leveraging the right project management tools can help streamline operations, reduce costs, and ensure compliance while improving overall productivity. Explore some of the key challenges and how modern project management solutions can mitigate these hurdles.
Recorded webinar: Dashboards 2.0 and how to master advanced data organisation
Managing project data can be a daunting task, especially when dealing with diverse teams, shifting priorities, and the need for clear insights at every level. That’s why mastering the art of dashboards can make a significant difference in your day-to-day project management experience.
How to squeeze the maximum of RAG: How it works with AI
In the beginning was RAG, and RAG was with Knowledge, and RAG was Knowledge. Through RAG, all information was made accessible; without RAG, a query was answered completely. In RAG was the truth, and that truth became the light of artificial intelligence, shining in the darkness of uncertainty. And the models saw RAG, and they were enhanced.
No, just joking.
In the beginning, there was an idea to show our customers how RAG data sources work and stay secure, so they can see the real benefits of having up-to-date, reliable information that makes their projects run smoother. Curious? Read the article!