Next level of on-premises deployment is music to the ears of server admins whose life is about to get a lot easier. Using Docker technology, Easy provides applications and all of its dependencies in the current supported versions, while guaranteeing all of the contents. “Installation” and “Updates” are quicker and easier. Quotation marks because, in fact, there is no installation or updating. Just orchestrating preinstalled docker images with simple and standard commands.
Redmine Installation made Easy
The purpose of this section is to provide comprehensive information on how to install Redmine on your own server, how to upgrade it and eventually how to upgrade Redmine to Easy Redmine. When installing Easy Redmine, you must comply with the Installation terms.
Easy Redmine Installation from scratch
This guide will show you how to install Redmine or Easy Redmine from scratch using Redmine Installer Gem. As ever you need to have proper software and hardware/server configuration.
A prerequisite for installing is to have a Redmine or Easy Redmine package downloaded on the server. This package is available in the client zone. If you do not know your login credentials to the client zone, contact us via web chat (right bottom corner icon) or reach us on our support contacts.
Redmine Installation & Upgrade Wizard
This ruby gem provides you with an easy-to-use wizard for Redmine installations and upgrades. It is applicable (and tested) for custom installations on Linux, Windows and Unix servers.
This is not a manual for installation of Easy Redmine. That can be found here.
Installing additional plugins to Easy Redmine
Installing an additional Easy plugin to an existing Easy Redmine package is the same as installing an update - you need to install the complete package. Instructions are listed in this article.
Ruby updates
Ruby is a prerequisite to run Easy Redmine. It is a maintained and continuously updated programming language. Which means that once in a while you will need to update your Ruby in order to be able to use new versions of Easy Redmine. Updating Ruby has consequences, which is why we are presenting you some guidelines, so you don't forget about any related change in your configurations.