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A Few Tips That Will Help You Become the Best HelpDesk Worker in Redmine

4 minutes
Lukáš Beňa

When customers call or write to support, they expect a quick and effective solution to their problem from the client service. Here are some tips to help you become a star of client support in Redmine.

Whether you are part of a helpdesk or technical support, the way you respond and solve their problem has a great impact on your business success. A positive customer care experience increases the likelihood of repeating an order.

Perhaps your organization favors saying customer support instead of the help desk. Either way, it does not matter much. What matters most is how you do it. Here are five tips on how to excel and become the best helpdesk worker.

Create a Redmine HelpDesk dashboard

Using analytics tools in Redmine and Easy Redmine, you can monitor customer care effectiveness in real-time. If only a small percentage of dissatisfied customers share their experience, it is difficult to judge the performance of the team. Displaying personal and team metrics in the dashboard provides a quick overview of performance using metrics such as response time, total volume by a communication channel, or instant resolution rate.

With the dashboard, you have an overview of customers' needs and the opportunity to find other ways to satisfy these needs. For example, an educational tutorial, a blog post or a white paper can be created to explain and solve the problem a customer may have. There is also an opportunity to address customer requirements and needs by improving existing products and services.

Easy Redmine Help Desk Dashboard

Easy Redmine HelpDesk Dashboard

Ask for help

We are not experts in everything. Asking colleagues for some help is an opportunity to learn and grow. Your colleagues will understand and support you. They know that if the same problem occurs the next time, you will be able to deal with it yourself and if they need help from you, you will be there to support them.

Creating a collaborative environment will facilitate communication and increase the efficiency of the entire team. The result will be better ticket responsiveness and synergies in the team. With Easy Redmine, you can easily reach out to your colleagues or search through the company's knowledge base, and it takes no more than just a few clicks.

Do not forget about follow-up

Even if a ticket is closed, do a follow-up with your customer (ticket author). You show your commitment to your work and your care. The customer will appreciate this gesture and will most likely respond positively to later feedback on customer satisfaction.

Open a ticket

For each request or incident, always open a ticket. A ticket is the best way to capture all the work done. It ensures that each request is actually solved and answered. Tickets can be prioritized to facilitate the workflow of the team while supporting the continuity of the solution if one member leaves the team or when you need to pass the ticket to another agent.

Easy Redmine Help Desk Dashboard

Easy Redmine New ticket for HelpDesk

Know your customer

Before replying to a customer's ticket, take a moment to review the communication history of the ticket or previous tickets that the customer has opened. Getting as much information as possible about the client will help you propose the best procedure and speed up the transfer of the ticket to the team that can definitively solve the problem.

Being the best support worker requires constant care. Opinions on what it means to be the best may, of course, differ but the previous tips will at least help you stand out and get you where you want to be.

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