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Redmine tips

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Redmine tips
7 minutes read
Versions of Ruby and their maintenance

Easy Redmine is closely tied with Ruby and (of course its versions). Let's dive deeper into how its regular updates and powerful frameworks like Ruby on Rails keep it at the forefront of web development and find out what’s next for this dynamic language.

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Redmine tips
6 minutes read
Real-Time Reporting By Redmine

Real-time reporting is a term that refers to the practice of collecting and disseminating real-time data to consumers in the world of business intelligence. Managers are provided with the most up-to-date information to make quick decisions even when they are under time constraints. In addition to providing this real-time reporting feature, Redmine offers a variety of add-ons that benefit project managers and businesses in various ways.

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Redmine tips
7 minutes read
Redmine as a HelpDesk Tool – What You Should Know
Since the world is progressing, it is only fair for the tech world to keep up. Application developers and tech experts work on different types of software to make life easier for organizations and individuals.
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Redmine tips
6 minutes read
How to Streamline Internal Communication with Redmine

The ability to obtain information and engage with others is now more accessible, regardless of where or what device you're using. Even if your employees are not always in the same place simultaneously, they should be able to interact effectively.

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Redmine tips
7 minutes read
Benefits of Redmine as a Centralized Project Management Tool

Redmine is a Ruby on Rails application representing a centralized browser-based project management software. Redmine is compatible with both UNIX and Windows platforms and a variety of databases.

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Redmine tips
5 minutes read
Redmine 5.0: Is It Worth Upgrading?

Redmine 5.0 is the latest version of the popular open-source project management software. Since this is a major version, upgrading to it is of course more technically demanding than upgrading to any minor version. But – is it worth upgrading at all? Let’s see.

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Redmine tips
7 minutes read
Resource Management and Redmine – What You Should Know as a Beginner
Resource Management is a critical tool to schedule, allocate, and organize resources according to the project. Since different resources vary in costs and usage, resource management can be a challenge, especially for small businesses.
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Redmine tips
6 minutes read
Redmine Roles and Permissions – All You Need to Know

Redmine includes a roles and permissions feature that restricts and allows authorized users to access various activities. The tool authorizes team leaders to assign roles and permissions for each project.

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Redmine tips
6 minutes read
How Redmine Makes Reporting Easier

Project reporting should be easy to analyze, and high-quality project reporting software can do that easily. The Redmine software offers impressive features that can turn any complex data into helpful reports within a few seconds.

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