Hỗ trợ cấp độ tiếp theo cho nhu cầu cụ thể của bạn
Khi sử dụng Easy Redmine, chúng tôi luôn ở bên bạn. Tất cả khách hàng của chúng tôi có thể sử dụng gói hỗ trợ cơ bản miễn phí hoặc nâng cấp lên một cấp độ dịch vụ cao hơn với gói hỗ trợ ưu tiên. Đối với yêu cầu hỗ trợ cụ thể, chúng tôi có thể sắp xếp các mức độ hỗ trợ và điều kiện riêng.
Basic Support plan
- Free of charge
- 24/7 support for cloud outage reports
- Support requests must be submitted through the client zone or by email support@easyredmine.com
- Tickets are prioritized according to the severity level - definitions of severity are below
- Our team is committed to respond with a final solution within 24 business hours at the latest
- We apply the rule of 3 replies on one ticket - if the issue is not resolved, we call the submitter for clarification
Get professional Redmine support
Priority Support plan
- Paid service
- 24/7 support for cloud outage reports
- Support requests may be submitted through the client zone, email or by phone to our international contact numbers and Skype
- Your tickets are handled with priority over the Basic Support Plan - severities are still taken into consideration
- No ticket ping-pong, if the issue is not resolved on the first reply, we call the submitter for additional information
- Our team is committed to resolve all tickets by the next business day
- We use various remote collaboration tools for a quicker resolution of your issues
Get professional Redmine support
Individual support plans
- Contact our sales team to find out more about individual support and SLAs
What you need to know about our support
Before submitting a ticket, please check our knowledge base.
Standard ticket submissions are always done through the client zone or by email.
Priority Support Plan users can also contact us by phone. When you call us, you will be asked for contact information: name, company, direct phone, email. Without it, we will not be able to communicate the progress of your request.
To get the best response from our operators, your report should contain technical data (production log, environment specifications, version of Easy Redmine, etc.), error messages and system information. Following the online submission with a phone call, referring to the ticket ID can reduce the response time and potential errors in the processing of information.
We recommend that you follow any Severity 1 and 2 online support ticket submissions with a phone call to the Prague Development Centre.
Official support languages are English, French, German and Czech. If we receive tickets in another language, we use a web translator to understand the issue, but sometimes that is not enough. In the case of other languages, we reply in English.
A bug report is accepted as legitimate, if:
- The application is hosted by Easy Software on the cloud
Installed on own server according to recommended procedures (http://www.easyredmine.com/installation) and with recommended configuration (https://www.easyredmine.com/resources/redmine-installation/easy-redmine-installation-from-scratch)
If the report is not validated in simulation tests, the bug may have been caused by an external factor.
Easy Redmine support services use the following definitions to classify issues:
Severity 1 (urgent)
A problem that severely impacts your use of the software in a production environment (such as loss of production data or complete malfunction of the production system). The situation prevents you from using the software and there is no procedural workaround available. Easy Cloud hotline to report outages: +420 312 313 671 (only cloud users, only unavailable applications, no user support). -
Severity 2 (high)
A problem where the software is functioning but the software's functions in a production environment are severely reduced. The situation has a high impact on parts of your business operations and there is no procedural workaround available. -
Severity 3 (normal)
A problem that involves partial, non-critical loss of use of the software in a production environment. There is a medium-to-low impact on your business, but your business continues to function, with or without a procedural workaround. -
Severity 4 (low)
A question regarding the general usage, reporting of a documentation error, or recommendation for a future product enhancement or modification. For production environments, there is a low-to-no impact on your business and the performance or functionality of your system. Your business continues to function, with or without a procedural workaround.
Get professional Redmine support
Server support
Even though we provide the initial virtual machine with a pre-installed application, it always runs on the client's server, which is beyond our control. Our possibilities to provide support for incidents that are caused by the environment surrounding the application are limited. However, we still do our best to help you, regardless of the origin of the cause.
What is considered "server support"?
- Assistance with installation, upgrading or migrating data
- Assistance with the deployment or launch of virtual machines
- Assistance with environment configuration (before, during, and after installation or deployment of the application)
- Assistance for services (such as cron jobs), components (such as disk), processes, web servers, application servers, database
- Assistance with email configuration
- Trainings for any of the above
- Investigation of local application failures
How is server support provided?
- Access to the client's server for our technicians is a necessity
- The remote session is planned in advance for a specific time
- The postponement from the client's side less than 24 hours before the schedule is sanctioned
- After each session, the hours of the technician are billed
How are server support hours billed?
- Client prepays server support credit (minimum 1 man-day)
- After every session, the hours spent by the technicians are deducted from the credit
- Billable (deductible) hours are confirmed by the client
- Spent and remaining hours are rounded to 10 minutes
- If the remaining credit is less than the estimated time for a new session, the client must "recharge" their credit before the session
- Server support credit is not a part of implementation or user support packages, it is billed separately
- Postponement of the agreed date from the client's side less than 24 hours before scheduled is sanctioned by 2 hours from the server support credit, even if no work was done