0) Before you start
Please make sure you have proper hardware and software server configuration as described here. Some more useful information:
- The webserver must have FULL access to public, files, log, tmp folders => DO NOT RUN REDMINE INSTALLER UNDER ROOT!
- Webrick web server is NOT supported
- The installation does NOT set-up CRON automatically - you need to do it manually
- For correct running of the Redmine installer, at least 250 MB is required free on the root disc
- Server must have unrestricted internet connection, at least at the time of installation
There is also a detailed installation manual available directly in the package in doc/INSTALL
1) Redmine Installer Ruby Gem
In order to install new Redmine or Easy Redmine, you need to install Redmine installer Ruby into a compiled Ruby. To install this gem use:
$ gem install redmine-installer
2) Installation
When the installer gem is installed in your Ruby, you can run installation using this command:
$ redmine install [PACKAGE] [REDMINE_ROOT]
[PACKAGE] - Redmine installation package (zip or gz)
[REDMINE_ROOT] - where to install the application
To get help:
$ redmine help
$ redmine help install
redmine Commands for Redmine Installation - from Archive
Supported archives are .zip .tar.gz
$ redmine install [PACKAGE] [REDMINE_ROOT]
# with environment
$ redmine install [PACKAGE] [REDMINE_ROOT] --env environment
$ redmine install easyredmine_2016_stable_u11271_v2018_1_2__platform_04_00.zip /home/easy/current
3) Further Information after Installation
- CRON needs to be set-up manually
Information about cron configuration here
Find more detailed technical information about installer in the Gem documentation ->