A) Docker image
We can't praise this technology enough. Running Easy Redmine via Docker is the ultimate low-maintenance solution for on-premises deployment to date.
We gathered all the information, including steps to download and run in this article. With any questions, you can always contact support.
B) Virtual machine
If you are used to managing your applications in this traditional vitualization method, we can provide you with a VM (.ova) with preinstalled Easy Redmine Docker image within.
To request the VM, please write to our support team. Meanwhile, you can have a look at the description of the VM contents.
C) Manual installation (legacy)
We've come a long way from depending on this manual installation method. This method is inferior to and more sensitive to human error than the options above. We are keeping it merely as a reference for understanding the mechanism of the installation. It does not go into details, which you can find in the installation package in doc/LEGACY_INSTALL.
Before you start, please make sure you are well aware of the hardware and software server configuration as described here. Notice that you have to precisely prepare your environment to ensure successful installation.
The steps:
- Update system packages and install missing required packages
- Install, configure, start and secure your Percona database
- Install Ruby and bundler, prepare a user who can use and control it
- Download legacy zip package from Client zone and unpack to your designated ER folder
- Create a database and configure its connection to the future application in config/database.yml (the package contains an example)
- Gradually install gems, migrate database, run application installation and possibly index for fulltext search.
- bundle install
- bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
- bundle exec rake easyproject:install RAILS_ENV=production
- FORCE_REINDEX_ALL=1 bundle exec rake xapian_easy_search:indexing RAILS_ENV=production
- Configure application server
- Configure sidekiq
- Configure web server
- Configure mail server
- Cofigure scheduler
If you face any issues during this manual installation that you cannot resolve, the next step is to use Docker or VM solutions.