Benefits of Using Easy Redmine for Public Goods’ Providers
Public goods providers have a special place in the economy. They produce goods that are to be used by the public without excluding anyone from the use, which increases the size of their solutions significantly.

The sewerage system in a city is there not only for one person but everyone living in that city. The providers of these goods have to manage some of the most large-scale projects. Such large-scale projects require flawless planning, management and execution. Easy Redmine, as the name suggests, makes the management of such huge and complex projects convenient for public goods providers. Here is how the platform helps.
Breaking Down the Large Projects in Redmine
A large project is like a giant rock that is impossible for people to lift unless it is broken into many small pieces. Easy Redmine simplifies projects by allowing the use of the WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) tool. WBS breaks a project into many small parts where every part is manageable.
The managers at public goods providers can use WBS tool to take a Scrum approach to make even the most complex projects manageable. What makes Easy Redmine unique is that it brings all the tools and PM approaches like WBS, Kanban, Scrum, etc. in one place rather than relying specifically on one.
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Visualizing the Project Parts in Redmine
Breaking down a task into many small parts is only one half of the task. The more important thing is to assign the tasks to the right people and give them the tools to monitor their progress.
That’s where Easy Redmine comes in. It combines the power of the WBS tool and GANTT CHARTS. Gantt Charts convert the project tasks into a visual format, which then helps track the progress of each task effectively.
Predefining the Roles in Redmine
When a project is so big that it requires hundreds of people to work together to complete it, task creation and role assignment can become challenging. While it is not impossible to define the roles of hundreds of people and assigning hundreds of tasks to the right people, the process is surely time-consuming.
Easy Redmine comes with predefined DASHBOARDS and pre-loaded GLOBAL ROLES. These roles are common for most projects, and so creating them from scratch is not needed. Easy Redmine reduces the length of project planning considerably with the help of these predefined roles.
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Making Things Mobile in Redmine
When a project involves so many different role players, some workers might have to work from the office while others have to perform their duties on the field. Easy Redmine is MOBILE-OPTIMIZED, and gives access to tasks, roles, and reports, on the go. Such mobile optimization allows for the management of workers working from outside the office. Moreover, the managers don’t have to be on their computers to track project’s progress, assign roles and generate performance reports.
Easy Redmine is rich with features that simplify project management while allowing full use of the resources available to an organization. Businesses around the world are quickly adopting the Scrum approach to managing their projects. However, Easy Redmine goes steps ahead of Scrum as it facilitates the project management best practices with a wide range of PM tools that are not available on most other project management platforms.