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Create a Project Schedule with Redmine

7 minutes
Adéla Sýkorová

Benjamin Franklin, one of the leading authors, statesman, and political philosophers, said, “failing to plan means planning to fail.” It means that success isn’t accidental but requires proper planning. This statement can apply to just about any individual trying to succeed.

If you are a business owner or a manager, you can utilize this statement as a strategy to boost productivity and growth. Therefore, many businesses invest in project management and time tracking tools. But why purchase expensive tools and hire professional teams to manage business processes when you can download Redmine for free?

What is Redmine?

Redmine helps businesses manage and track their projects. This is an open-source tool that means you can customize it using source code to better serve specific purposes. The tool accommodates multiple projects and helps identify the challenges every user faces while performing tasks on time. The main goal of using this platform is to streamline business processes and reduce the risk of mistakes.

Integration capabilities enhance the features of this tool. Teams can perform various activities such as time tracking and issue tracking. It brings together an entire team on a single platform so they can collaborate, manage resources, budget, and schedule projects.

How Does Redmine Help with Project Scheduling?

Project planning and scheduling are different tasks, but both contribute to the same major task: project management. Project planning includes policies and methodology to achieve project objectives. Meanwhile, project scheduling involves assigning tasks to employees and tracking progress in real-time. Furthermore, it encourages employees to complete tasks and projects in a given time frame under an assigned budget.

As Redmine is a project management tool, it helps with project planning as well as project scheduling. Benefits of using Redmine for project schedule include the following.

1. Creating Roadmap

This is one of the major benefits of using Redmine for project scheduling. Teams use this tool to brainstorm new ideas and identify best practices to complete tasks within the given time. When companies can develop an effective process to solve problems and close projects, they effectively boost progress.

But creating a roadmap to success requires data and risk analysis. This isn’t possible with traditional project management methods. Fortunately, Redmine is an advanced tool that enables employees to create, view, schedule, and track projects.

2. Improving Communication

Project scheduling requires team collaboration as every employee should be on the same page. Companies with communication barriers find it a challenge to schedule projects for their employees. With Redmine, however, the situation is different. This project management tool enables employees to communicate with each other on the same platform. Furthermore, the tool notifies each employee when their managers schedule projects. Therefore, communication between managers and employees makes business processes easier.

Sometimes, when managers update project requirements, they need to ensure that the employee receives the information. When employees miss an updated requirement, it can confuse them. This can result in delays and negatively influence productivity. On the other hand, if a company uses Redmine as a project management tool, it can track the project and update instructions on the same platform. This reduces the risk of confusion and streamlines the business process.

3. Identifying Goals

Team managers should identify the goals or set milestones for each scheduled project. That helps employees manage their time and complete projects before deadlines. It’s no secret that time management improves employee productivity. Redmine is an ideal project management tool that offers time management features. Furthermore, it helps managers to communicate and track project deadlines and finish projects within time.

4. Tracking Projects

When you are on a vacation, you schedule your destination and estimate the possible time to reach from location A to location B. As you enjoy the journey, you keep track of the time and modify your returning time based on your speed. A similar monitoring process works with project scheduling. When a project management team assigns tasks to their employees, they continuously track the progress. Considering that time, they can estimate the time employees require to complete pending projects.

As a project management tool, Redmine offers advanced features for tracking and scheduling a project. With this tool, managers can generate reports, charts, and insight as well. These reports help them estimate the time each employee will take to complete the tasks.

5. Reducing Delivery Time

Project scheduling can help determine each project’s priority level. Managers can anticipate the estimated completion time for each project and schedule projects based on delivery time. For instance, if a manager identifies an urgent project that an employee should deliver on the same day, they can assign this project and postpone others.

Redmine helps reduce delays in the downstream milestone by offering updating options. When a manager modifies the delivery time of a project, every employee with permission to view that project receives a notification. This simplifies the hassles of communicating with employees in person and creating confusion.

6. Reducing Costs

Managing and scheduling may seem like an expensive task. But, with Redmine, you can solve problems such as time management and project tracking without spending additional money. This project management and scheduling tool are all you need to reduce costs. Redmine is an open-source tool that is free to download. However, purchasing prime tools such as storage and third-party plug-in may require that you pay extra. But, compared to standard project management tools, Redmine is a much cheaper option.

Besides the cost of downloading, Redmine decreases risks that delay project completion. As a result, you can complete projects in time and maximize deliveries. Furthermore, you can reduce the cost of purchasing different applications for various needs as Redmine is a multi-purpose tool. It helps managers by tracking projects, reducing risks, managing time, and other tasks.


Project planning and scheduling go hand in hand. Therefore, you need a tool that offers both features. Redmine is a perfect match in this case because it is a project management tool. In fact, this open-source software is more than a project management tool. So, if you want to schedule projects, try using Redmine.

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