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Secure your data in project management tool: Avoid AI era data leaks

6 minutes

In the dynamic realm of modern business, integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into project management platforms is not just a trend but a necessity for enhancing efficiency and driving productivity. Easy Redmine is at the forefront of this technological evolution, recognizing the paramount importance of safeguarding data security and encryption amidst the AI revolution. 

The forthcoming Easy AI feature heralds a new era of secure, cloud-based, and on-premises project management solutions, ensuring that your sensitive data remains protected against the threat of data breaches.

The AI revolution in project management

Easy AI by Easy Redmine is set to redefine project management by integrating AI's power to streamline processes and boost productivity. The potential of AI in transforming project workflows is immense, yet it brings forth the critical challenge of maintaining data security and integrity.

To harness the full potential of AI, incorporating effective data annotation for machine learning is essential. This ensures that the AI algorithms are trained on accurately labeled data, leading to more reliable and efficient project management solutions.

Data security in the AI era

In light of alarming statistics from the Deloitte Summer 2023 Fortune/Deloitte CEO Survey, which highlighted that 92% of CEOs are engaging with generative AI technologies with data security and compliance as their top concerns, Easy AI emerges as a beacon of trust and reliability. This feature ensures that only authorized personnel can access and interact with your company's confidential information, keeping your project management endeavors private and secure.

Easy AI employs robust security measures by encrypting your data in transit using TLS 1.2 or greater. This encryption protocol ensures that your information is protected during transmission, mitigating the risk of unauthorized access or interception.

The unique value proposition of Easy AI: Customization meets security

"Recognizing the transformative potential of AI in project management, Easy Redmine introduces Easy AI. My vision is a product powered by open-source LLM with an on-prem deployment option alongside the cloud. This provides users with the freedom to customize while the possibility of on-premises implementation ensures their security. With Easy AI, data remains protected within Easy Redmine's infrastructure. We believe there is a great value in project and work management application with integrated AI - all from just one vendor, which also is a unique offer in the market", says Filip Morávek, CEO, and Easy AI Product Manager.

With Easy AI, compliance isn't just a checkbox; it's a cornerstone of the product's design. Easy Redmine's dedication to upholding industry standards and regulations ensures that your project management processes are both secure and compliant, providing you with peace of mind in a landscape fraught with security challenges.

We believe in giving our customers the freedom to choose. Easy AI can be powered by OpenAI or a full privacy open-source AI, allowing you to switch between them as needed. This flexibility ensures that you have control over the AI technology driving your project management processes while maintaining data security. The choice of the deployment option that suits your organization's needs is yours. Easy AI can be installed locally on your server or hosted on a private GDPR-compliant cloud instance, providing you with flexibility without compromising on security.

Easy AI enhances authentication security with SAML-based Single Sign-On (SSO). This feature ensures that only authorized personnel can access the AI-powered project management tool, adding an extra layer of protection against potential security threats. On the other hand, you can use the freedom which gives you customizable admin settings and access permissions. Easy AI´s robust security and admin tools enable you to control who has access to specific project data, minimizing the risk of unauthorized use or data breaches.  

As we gaze into the horizon, the future of AI-integrated project management looks bright with Easy AI leading the charge. Easy Redmine's unwavering commitment to innovation and improvement promises a future where project management is not only more efficient and productive but also securely anchored in the bedrock of data security and compliance.

AI Summarize Assistant by Easy AI

AI Summarize Assistant by Easy AI

GDPR compliance is essential

Easy AI takes data privacy seriously, and it is fully compliant with GDPR standards and European privacy legislation. Your peace of mind is our priority, and our commitment to regulatory compliance ensures that your company's data are handled responsibly and following the highest privacy standards. While embracing the transformative power of Easy AI for project management, it is essential to remain vigilant against the risks of data leaks. By leveraging Easy AI, you can enhance your daily project work with confidence, knowing that your sensitive company data is safe and protected against potential threats.

Early adopters of AI in project management

Experience the power of AI in project management with Easy AI. Our AI assistant is designed to turbocharge your daily routines, liberating your time for more high-value tasks. With Easy AI, you'll witness firsthand how artificial intelligence can revolutionize project management, streamlining processes and boosting productivity. Be among the first who will elevate the project management game. Get early access to Easy AI to unlock the future of efficient project management.

Frequently asked questions

What is Easy AI?
How does Easy AI secure data privacy?
How does Easy AI enhance authentication security?

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