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Knowledge base legacy - Documentation System

knwoledge base

Deprecation warning

The functionality below has been replaced by a new Knowledge solution - integration of Easy Redmine with BlueSpice.

Users of the Knowledge base legacy are contacted (since the beginning of 2024) about the upgrade/migration possibilities.

How to use Knowledge base legacy

The video tutorial, #2#3

Knowledge Base legacy is a complex solution for incorporating knowledge management into your Easy Redmine. Knowledge base legacy allows you to capture knowledge from tasks and projects, categorize and store it, share it among users and utilize it in future projects. It further helps you create project documentation very easily.

Table of contents


How to (de)activate the plugin

Roles and permissions

How to use the plugin on the global level

How to use the plugin on the project level

Synchronize Knowledge base legacy with other systems


Do you believe that Knowledge Management is essential for a healthy business nowadays? We do and we have thus created Knowledge base legacy plugin for Easy Redmine users. It is an easy way to collect, manage and share knowledge within the company. It helps both knowledge externalization and internalization. Plainly speaking - distribute knowledge from knowledge workers and deliver it to workers who need to learn it. You create knowledge posts when updating a task - any separate update or whole task can be saved as a knowledge post, or directly in the knowledge base.

Knowledge posts are categorized, tagged with metadata and can have mutual relations. Each user has a personal knowledge folder. You can recommend knowledge to other users, send it to them via e-mail and even require knowledge posts to be read. It is very helpful for creating project documentation - any valid project information that goes through a task can be saved for future use - thus, information becomes knowledge. It is suitable for walk-throughs for new employees, manuals for specific software, templates for communicating with customers, workflows or project documentation.

Key features

  • Easy creation of knowledge posts from tasks - capturing of knowledge
  • Knowledge categories + personal/project categories - for sharing of knowledge
  • Attaching knowledge posts to projects/tasks
  • Recommendation of knowledge to users
  • Quick access to the knowledge base from the right service panel
  • Full-text search in the knowledge base

How to (de)activate the plugin

On the project level, the plugin can be activated or deactivated in the project's Setting: Modules: Knowledge base legacy. After ticking the checkbox, click on the green "Save" button below to make the Knowledge base tab appear in the project menu at the top.

Roles and permissions

In More: Administration: Roles and permissions: Knowledge base legacy you can decide which user roles have the permissions as follows.

How to use the plugin on the global level

Knowledge posts can be basically created as uncategorized or added into a category, which might be created on the global or project level. One post can be a part of none, one or more categories at one time, no matter their level (global, project).

The global level means that all knowledge posts created in there are automatically added to the global database, which makes them easily accessible for all Easy Redmine users no matter their project memberships and roles. To use Knowledge base legacy on the global level, go to the "More" menu (top right corner) and click on the Knowledge base legacy icon.

Now you are on a fully customizable page, which can be adjusted to your liking after clicking on the "Customise this page" button down. You can select from various modules to add, such as filtered lists of knowledge posts, most used tags on the knowledge posts, 10 most recent posts etc. By the way, the last two modules are added to the page by default. The filtered list of the posts can look like this. By default, it consists of the post name, knowledge category, and tags. Additional columns can be added in the List options when editing the module. The list can be removed or edited by clicking on the trash and pencil icons in the top right corner. The options in the sidebar menu allow you to create a new post, create a new global or personal category, see all posts in Easy Redmine no matter their category, manage categories, and show favorite posts and personal categories. The personal categories are those visible only to you, however, individual knowledge posts in the category have no such limited access.

Let's see what a knowledge post looks like. Any post is created and edited using a standard WYSIWYG/HTML editor. To edit the existing one or create a new one, just click on the particular buttons in the sidebar menu. When a particular post is opened, the sidebar menu includes some specific options such as add to favorites, add to the global database, personal database or project database, recommend to users or user groups as well as assign it to a task or remove it (delete). Moreover, you can add or remove tags of the post in order to be later able to find specific posts by their tags. In the lower right corner is the list of categories the post is added in. You can change the category anytime the post is being edited.

Each knowledge post contains additional information at the bottom:

  • Comments - Possible to comment on a post.
  • History - All changes of the post, including a Diff summary of what has changed and which user made the last change, as well as the possibility to revert to a past version. The author of the current version is shown as one and only, not showing other possible authors at all.
  • Readers - Section, where you can see all recommended users and whether they have read the post.

How to use the plugin on the project level

The project level means that all knowledge posts created there are automatically added to the project database associated with the particular project. Only the project members can browse through the project database. Though, non-members having permission to view Knowledge base legacy are also able to open a particular project post if they:

  • open the global list of all Knowledge posts (no matter their category)
  • have a direct URL link to the post
  • search out the post by entering its name in the search box, which can be found under the bulb icon in the service panel (on the far right)

To use the Knowledge base legacy on the project level, go to the selected project with the module enabled and click on the Knowledge base legacy tab in the top menu. Here you should see the project database consisting of project knowledge categories and posts. The options in the sidebar menu allow you to create new project category or new post, manage project categories or see all posts in Easy Redmine no matter their category.

Synchronize Knowledge base legacy with other systems

Examples of use:

  • public knowledge base on the web
  • web based ticketing system - solution suggester
  • knowledge submission by customers - forum based self support
  • Documentation of Easy Swagger (Easy Redmine API) is here.

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