Mulai Proyek Anda dengan Lebih Cerdas dengan Menggunakan Peta Pikiran

5 minutes
Jakub Ryba

Pada awal setiap proyek, ada banyak hal yang terjadi - terutama di dalam pikiran Anda. Anda dan rekan-rekan Anda menciptakan ide, visi, dan banyak bagian kecil dari mana seluruh proyek dapat dibuat. Oleh karena itu, berikut adalah teknik cerdas yang membantu Anda memanfaatkan ini - mindmapping.

Let's start with a little game

Mindmapping is a visual thinking system of work that respects the natural flow of your mind in which ideas and associations do not pop up linearly but randomly. To prove that it is true, here is a quick exercise: think of a toothbrush and write down another word that comes to your mind as an association. Based on that word, write another and another association, so in the end, you will have a total of ten freely associated words.

See? While we could quite confidently guess that the second word on your list is a toothpaste, a tooth, or a bathroom, we have almost no chance of guessing the last one. It can easily be a rainbow, a gorilla, or even the name of your first love. Why is that? Because of the non-linear thinking.

“With the linear thinking, you first create limits,
and then ideas. With mindmapping, you first shoot
ideas that you later organize and evaluate.“

How to create a mind map?

Even though mindmapping is based on the random explosion of associations, it is not to be confused with a mess. Every explosion, in the end, is just a connection of atoms – it has a structure with its core in the center. The core of your mind map is your central idea – or the problem to be solved.

To see its functionality in project management here is another little exercise. Take a blank paper and in the middle of it, write down the name of a thing (project, problem) you need to solve – e.g. new website, an event for business partners, or increasing sales. Then use the rest of the space on the paper to note everything that comes to your mind, associated with it. You can write it down, draw it, or even glue it to the paper. Once it is done draw branches to connect the notes which are related. Then take a step back and take a look at your piece of art – this is your mind map, your “big picture“.

Mind Maps in Easy Redmine

Mind Maps in Easy Redmine

“Mindmapping is often considered to be only
a brainstorming technique. But it should also
be a crucial part of any project's start.“

When to use mind maps?

It is not exaggerating to say that you can use mind maps almost anytime and also for almost any type of project. In Easy Software, we often begin our projects with good ideas visualization in a mind map. Before we give you our top four examples, take a look at the mind map related to this article before we started writing it.

Mind Maps

Mind Maps

  • Brainstorming
    Since at the brainstorming “the only bad idea is the one that stays untold“, mindmapping is perfect for this phase of your project. No limitations – just free associations and ideas shooting. (Do not worry, you can organize them more in detail later.)

  • Starting a new project
    Use the name of your next project as the core of the mind map. Write down all the project requirements and soon you will gather a nice bunch of deliveries. However, not deliveries are a commitment by comparison with the WBS.

  • Presentations
    It is always a bit challenging to create a catchy presentation. However, if you use mind maps, you change your audience's perception and you can keep all the information at the same “slide“ and add new ones using branches. The relation between this information is then clearer = easier to understand.

  • Visualizing a product roadmap
    You will also appreciate a mind map with all the functions and descriptions your new product should bring. Like this, you will see how much work of what kind it takes to get the product done.

So, is there a catch?

Well, there are two, actually:

  1. Sharing with your team
    However great and good-looking your mind map is, you need to distribute it with your team. To do this with a piece of paper is impossible (or irritating at least). Therefore, you need project management software that allows you to create clear, easy-to-understand digital mind maps. Then you can easily share them with your team members who can also add their ideas to them.

  2. Too much mindmapping
    Sometimes teams simply get too much into mindmapping which leads to a never-ending tree with hundreds of branches. Therefore, you need a skilled project manager able to set up the granularity of mindmapping.

Mengapa peta pikiran dari Easy Redmine istimewa?

Dengan perangkat lunak Easy Redmine, Anda dapat membuat peta pikiran yang praktis. Anda juga dapat menambahkan catatan, tautan, atau kotak centang ke node individu. Namun, yang paling Anda hargai adalah kemampuan untuk mengubah node menjadi tugas baru tanpa beralih antara alat-alat dalam Easy Redmine. Dengan cara ini, peta pikiran tidak berakhir sebagai sekumpulan ide tetapi sebenarnya berubah menjadi dasar yang kokoh dari proyek Anda yang Anda kembangkan lebih lanjut dengan WBS dan Gantt Chart kami.

Lihat video pengantar kami untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang Modul Peta Pikiran Easy Redmine!


Saran kami adalah: mulailah menggunakan peta pikiran. Kami melakukannya di awal banyak proyek kami. Ini adalah alat yang hebat untuk individu dan tim juga - untuk brainstorming, pengumpulan persyaratan proyek, dan presentasi. Anda dapat menggunakannya untuk meningkatkan manajemen proyek Anda karena memberikan dasar yang kuat dan gambaran dari semua pengiriman yang diperlukan untuk kesuksesan proyek Anda.

Mind map yang jelas untuk mengatur ide-ide Anda? Mudah.

Upgrade ke alat yang lebih baik untuk perencanaan, pengelolaan, dan pengendalian proyek.

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