Redmine のデモ 無料で簡単

Easy Redmine の30日間のフル機能の無料トライアルでベストな Redmine を体験してください。

  • Rails 6を使った最初の Redmine ソリューション
  • すべての Redmine のバージョンからアップグレード可能
  • 100% オープンソース

Easy Redmine

包括的で拡張可能、多用途な Redmine をお試しください(30日間無料トライアル)

Redmine のすべての機能と新しいモバイルデザインと便利なプラグインを組み合わせることで、プロジェクト管理を楽しいものにし、コミュニケーションとユーザーエクスペリエンスを向上し、時間を節約できます。


最も求められている Redmine プラグインを1回のアップグレードで


Easy Redmine

Complete & extensible Redmine upgrade

Easy Redmine includes most wanted features as drag & drop Gantt, global Gantt across all projects, project templates, graphs & charts, customizable dashboards, chat and much more. It is further extensible with plugins for Resource management, Agile, Finance, CRM, Help Desk and Strategic management.

Start Free Trial

Redmine Community

Join Easy Redmine community of more than 70.000 Redmine users. Enjoy professional plugins & features. Use and share project templates as well as community services for your convenience. Let's together make Redmine the best Open Source management software.

Start Free Trial



Vladimir Zarov testifies to Easy Redmine

Vladimir Zharov

Senior Consultant
Awara IT Solutions, Russia

"Easy Redmine met our needs out of the box. The product is feature rich and the price is low compared to products with similar features. We are satisfied with the performance of the product and would not hesitate to choose it again."

Elmar Branch testifies to Easy Redmine

Elmar Branch

Managing Director
Minkenberg Medien GmbH, Germany

"We use Easy Redmine to simplify our work in managing projects. We made a few tweaks ourselves to this Open source application but we are overall very satisfied."

Easy Redmineの30日間無料トライアルをお試しください
