Kesalahan Paling Umum yang Akan Menghancurkan Proyek Anda

5 minutes
Sabina Makhmudová.

Tidak ada perusahaan yang ingin proyeknya terhenti dari jalurnya - rencana. Namun tidak mungkin untuk memantau perubahan prioritas organisasi atau kegagalan klien dalam menyampaikan komponen kunci, yang dapat dilakukan adalah meminimalkan dan mencegah kesalahan.

Whether a mistake is committed by a team member, a customer or even yourself, the mere awareness of where they can occur can help prevent or minimize them. Here are the five most common mistakes that may threaten your project.

Incomprehensibility within the project scope

The project scope is the basis for all future decisions. Without a clear scope definition, the timeline you created in your project plan will not be met. Tasks, estimates of effort, and duration of activity on the timeline will be missed. The budget will then miss the associated costs. As a result, your project exceeds the budget and the delivery time will be delayed.

Easy Project WBS

Easy Redmine WBS for project scope management

Lack of project management processes

With each project that you deliver, you need to continually improve your project management processes in your organization. If the process is missing, it can cause confusion among team members and delays in product delivery. The management process that ensures proper planning, organization and control facilitates decision-making. Lack of processes is disruptive, increases your workload and consumes time to resolve what needs to be done to keep the project moving.

Easy Project Workflow

Simple project workflows for organized processes

Obsolete project status

An organization has more projects running simultaneously, often with shared resources. If you are unable to communicate your project status, resource management may not have these resources available when you need them. The necessary resources can be allocated elsewhere because the resource management team did not know about your needs. In order for partners and team members to harmonize, they need to know the current status so they can plan and make decisions.

Easy Project Stavy projektů

Project completion states in Easy Redmine

Insufficient identification of task dependencies

There are dependencies on the tasks that need to be identified and completed in order to further develop the project. Failure to do so will result in delays, perhaps the resources needed to complete tasks will not be available, and increased costs. From here, we are returning to the already mentioned need to have a clear range from the beginning of the project.

Easy Project Gantt

Gantt in Easy Redmine for clearly identified dependencies

Lack of resource availability with the right skills

Human resource management will never have too many people with the same qualifications. If you have a badly defined range, unidentified job dependencies, or obsolete status, you will not be able to get the right qualifications when you need them. You may be forced to use an unqualified resource or stand the delay until the required resource is available.

Easy Project Vytížení zdrojů

Easy Redmine Resource Management for clear identification of skills

Only organizations focused on building a strong business management environment will help you meet your project management goals. It is your responsibility to educate your company on the requirements for effective project management support.

Mistakes will happen even with your best efforts. You need to be persistent and consistent in applying good practice in project management to start, plan, execute and complete your projects. Many mistakes can be avoided and those that are out of control can be minimized and mastered. By performing best practices, you will see the results you want to achieve success.

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