Should You Migrate Your Onsite Redmine to Cloud?

7 minutes
Adéla Sýkorová

Integrating Redmine as a project management tool into your business process can be a convenient solution, but onsite Redmine can be a show stopper. The top struggles for businesses on the Redmine server are managing the data and accessing a dedicated account manager.

Even though Redmine improves time management and collaboration, you cannot depend on this traditional platform when you are aiming for business growth. This is one of the reasons to mitigate your onsite Redmine to the cloud.

Many businesses are turning over to the cloud when it comes to massive data storage and maximum security. Modernizing your Redmine to the cloud will not only offer more data storage but advanced analytics and enhanced cyber capabilities. If you do not find these reasons for migration to the cloud enough to make a decision, stay tuned, we have more for you.

Reasons to Migrate Your Onsite Redmine to Cloud

Below, you will find some topmost reasons to modernize your Redmine to cloud.

1. Flexible Solution

With increasing business needs and bandwidth, on-premise Redmine limits the performance and capabilities. You need more data storage, high-speed systems, and remote access. Migrating to the cloud will resolve all these challenges. Redmine on the cloud will not only provide you maximum data and security, but it offers the topmost flexibility. Not as surprising as it seems, but businesses moving their cloud to Redmine are looking for operational agility.

2. Disaster Recovery

Large businesses can easily invest in high-quality disaster recovery systems, but this can be impossible for small businesses on a budget. Ideally, cloud-based Redmine offers great support to businesses that cannot afford a separate disaster recovering system. When you are on a cloud, the system will back up all your data to other servers after identifying a problem. This will not only save you time to recover your data, but it keeps your platform running. That way, your clients can access your platform without interruptions. You will not receive this level of protection with on-premise Redmine and third-party plug-ins.

3. Instant Updates

The server on the cloud is off-premise, indicating that your platform is out of your sight. So in case of the software update, your service provider will take care of everything, including your security updates. This feature of the cloud will keep you away from all the hassles, and you can focus on more important tasks such as business growth.

Sometimes, when you are updating the on-premise Redmine, the update process may fail. This will intervene with your session until you identify and solve the problems, create a new server, recover the data, and try the updating process again. All this process can be hectic when you have to take care of everything. Additionally, your platform will stop until you go through this entire process. But, when your Redmine is on a cloud, you have nothing to worry about. The system will back up the session when the updating process starts. In case of any trouble with the updating, the server will restore the program from the last active session.

4. Minimized Expenses

Are you wondering how Redmine on the cloud can cut off your expense when on-premise Redmine is free of cost? Without any doubt, Redmine is a free platform, but only at the initial stages. When you integrate third-party plug-in to streamline business processes, the costs get higher. On the other hand, Redmine on the cloud does not require additional subscription charges and management fees. You will only pay your service provider for the platform.

5. Better Collaboration

Cloud Redmine solutions enable you and your teams to work remotely. This means that you can access, share, and edit the platform wherever and whenever you want. This will enhance your business collaboration and help improve your employees’ productivity. For instance, if you are on a business trip and urgently want to update an issue before completion. You can instantly access Redmine on your mobile device and leave comments on the issue. That way, you can save your team’s efforts and time. However, this is not possible with on-premise Redmine. With traditional Redmine, you cannot access the tools and remotely change the requirements or deadline of an issue. You can either text or call them on their phone, which can be confusing at times.

6. Maximalizovaná bezpečnost

Ztráta hardwaru není nic ve srovnání s tím, když ztratíte platformu, zejména pokud nemůžete obnovit všechna svá data. Bezpečnost on-premise Redmine a cloud je důležitým zvážením při porovnávání obou hostingových systémů. Když jsou vaše data na on-premise serveru, musíte zabezpečit všechna svá data, což je velmi náročné. S nárůstem kybernetické kriminality byste neměli nechat svá kritická data na pospas. Stále více podniků důvěřuje cloudu pro zabezpečení svých dat. Poskytovatel cloudu spravuje všechny vaše bezpečnostní protokoly dat. Před výběrem poskytovatele služeb si proto přečtěte jejich zásady ochrany osobních údajů. Tyto společnosti zajistí zabezpečení proti útokům a firewallům, aby ochránily vaši platformu a data před kybernetickými útoky. V případě kybernetického útoku systém automaticky vytvoří nový server a přenese data a relaci tam bez problémů. Není to úžasné?

7. Konkurenční výhoda

Když přesunete svůj Redmine do cloudu, uděláte první krok k technologii třídy podniku. Cloudový hosting umožňuje malým podnikům rychleji růst než etablovaným a velkým konkurentům. Volba řešení pay-as-you-go znamená, že překračujete hranice a narušujete trh, zatímco zůstáváte v rámci rozpočtu. Toto řešení nejen zvyšuje flexibilitu, ale umožňuje vám přizpůsobit si svůj Redmine podle svých představ a potřeb. Navíc získáte maximální dostupnost, větší škálovatelnost a cennou funkci pro rychlejší růst.


Redmine je vysoce funkční a populární nástroj pro řízení projektů. Tento open-source systém je založen na Ruby a Rails. Avšak s časem se tento nástroj stává neefektivním a časově náročným. Musíte systém spravovat a udržovat sami nebo najmout profesionální IT tým. Přesunutím vašeho Redmine do cloudu můžete zefektivnit své operace, zajistit nástroje pro budoucnost a optimalizovat náklady. Kdykoli zjistíte, že on-premise hosting Redmine brzdí růst vašeho podniku, musíte přejít do cloudu. Čekání příliš dlouho vám může způsobit problémy v blízké budoucnosti.

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