Easy Redmine网络研讨会
想要从知名专家那里学习各种项目管理技能和知识吗?您准备好充分发挥Easy Redmine在基础、高级或专业使用方面的潜力了吗?

新的Easy Redmine 13已经发布!
我们为您的敏捷、瀑布式项目管理和业务流程提供了统一的解决方案。让我们一起来看看在9月20日14:00(CET)举行的免费网络研讨会上的新Easy Redmine 13。
- Scrum Boards将帮助您将Scrum方法论的优势发挥到协作的在线环境中。它们是100%的Scrum,并得到了认证的Scrum.org专家的认可。
- Custom Kanban将帮助您处理自定义流程,发现瓶颈并快速解决。
- 跳转到仪表板将使您的自定义仪表板对整个组织更易访问。
- 知识库和资产与配置管理将帮助您提升组织的透明度。在一个平台上整合您的数据和专业知识。
- 全新设计和进一步的用户改进将为您带来高效的工作体验和流畅的工作流程。
- 最受好评的功能,如WBS和甘特图,在Redmine世界中具有最佳的性能和安全性。
PAST Webinars:
Asset & Configuration Management在Easy Redmine中!(英语,2023年3月16日)
观看由Daniil Kharatyan主持的网络研讨会录像,他是Asset & Configuration Management解决方案的主要顾问,了解关于我们的新附加组件的一切。
- 功能概述(优势,主要组件:自定义表格,连接,新的自定义字段)
- 使用案例(ITAM,ITSM,销售管理)

了解如何在Easy Redmine中使用知识库2.0及其功能(例如wiki结构化内容、博客或搜索),如何将其用于您的业务运营挑战,并了解如何从传统知识库升级。在这个30分钟的网络研讨会中,Easy Software的销售总监Slavek Lizner还将回答您的所有问题。

学习如何以简单、从高层次的角度和灵活的方式管理资源。在30分钟内,我们的产品负责人Jan Pavera将与您分享Easy Software在管理项目时使用敏捷资源管理的知识,以及在工作中利用它的技巧和技术,以及Easy Redmine中敏捷资源管理的最有用的功能(分配团队和用户;管理技能;分配资源;使用基本维度:项目、团队、工人和时间)。在网络研讨会中,我们还将回答您的所有问题。

如何充分利用Easy Redmine 12?(巴西葡萄牙语,2022年9月13日)
Easy Redmine 12旨在为您的日常工作环境带来和谐。想知道如何做到这一点吗?通过了解其全新实用的项目管理功能,保持事情明确和可控。在30分钟内(包括问题和答案),您将学会以下内容:使用敏捷资源管理平衡工作负载,通过更新的直观任务表单快速创建和更新任务,通过动态过滤器节省获取关键数据的时间。

如何充分利用Easy Redmine 12?(英语,2022年9月1日)

客户至上 (英语,2022年8月16日)
在这个网络研讨会中,我们将学习如何使用我们拥有的两种敏捷方法论模块,Scrum和看板,Scrum和冲刺,冲刺目标/小时 x 故事点,泳道和状态,Scrum图表,看板。
Gantt,工时,任务(巴西葡萄牙语,14. 6. 2022)
如何充分利用Easy Redmine 11+?(英语,2021年10月27日)
Easy Redmine 11+旨在将您的项目推向新的高度。观看我们的网络研讨会录像,快速学习如何掌握最佳的Redmine解决方案,提升您的项目绩效。

为什么要升级到新的Easy Redmine 11 on Rails 6?(英语,2021年8月4日)
第一个基于Rails 6的Redmine已经发布,拥有全新的现代界面和强大的功能!观看我们的网络研讨会录像(下方)以快速学习如何掌握最佳的Redmine解决方案,提升您的项目性能。

新的Easy Redmine 11基于Rails 6,如何充分利用它(英语,2021年5月27日)
第一个基于Rails 6的Redmine已经发布,拥有全新的现代界面和强大的功能!观看我们的网络研讨会录像(下方)以快速学习如何掌握最佳的Redmine解决方案,提升您的项目绩效。
Easy Redmine 10.6 (autumn edition) – new features and how to get the most of them (English, 13. 10. 2020)
The latest Easy Redmine 10.6 brings quite a few new features and enhancements, from task coworkers search, resource reports, built-in user roles across the last comments shown on the task list, a quick search in administration up to new options in HelpDesk, quick task editor, and DMS. You have something to look forward to!
Easy Redmine 10 – What's new and how to make the most of it (English, 28. 5. 2020)
Improved design and user experience together with the most wanted Redmine features in 1 upgrade. It is Easy Redmine 10. Plus more than 25 professional business plugins for Resource Management, Agile Finances, HelpDesk, CRM, DevOps, and more.
Easy Redmine HelpDesk 2019 (English, 28. 11. 2019)
Try the integrated HelpDesk solution by Easy Redmine for improved customer care and smoother processing. There are two basic ways of creating tickets – from e-mail or from a simplified user interface. Tickets are stored in projects where you can define SLAs, pre-paid hours, transfer 'unused' hours, and easily generate reports.
Easy Redmine DevOps plugins (English, 13. 11. 2019)
Easy Redmine 2019 introduces a set of plugins for integrated DevOps management. From Requirements to Test Cases and Continuous Integration. Get all you need for DevOps along with your favorite Redmine upgrade. Watch our webinar to also learn how to create powerful UML or other diagrams right within your tasks, dashboards, knowledgebase, requirements, or test scenarios. Edit and update diagrams without the need for any other software. Draw.io alternative is integrated right within Easy Redmine.
What is new in Easy Redmine and how to get the most of it (English, 31. 10. 2019)
Watch the webinar recording to learn about what is new in Easy Redmine! Learn how to use the Balancer – the new feature in Resource management, to make the management of your resources even easier. Find out what themes you can apply in your Easy Redmine – use the dark theme or the compact theme. And find out over improvements in the Easy Redmine task management. Running your tasks has never been easier!
Easy Redmine HelpDesk 2019 (English, 23. 10. 2019)
Try the integrated HelpDesk solution by Easy Redmine for improved customer care and smoother processing. There are two basic ways of creating tickets – from e-mail or from a simplified user interface. Tickets are stored in projects where you can define SLAs, pre-paid hours, transfer 'unused' hours, and easily generate reports.
What is new in Easy Redmine and how to get the most of it (English, 16. 10. 2019)
Watch the webinar recording to learn about what is new in Easy Redmine! Learn how to use the Balancer – the new feature in Resource management, to make the management of your resources even easier. Find out what themes you can apply in your Easy Redmine – use the dark theme or the compact theme. And find out over improvements in the Easy Redmine task management. Running your tasks has never been easier!
Easy Redmine Resource Management 2019 (English, 25. 9. 2019)
Resource management made easy and visual with Easy Redmine. Resource management is a tool for professional planning and assignment of work in Easy Redmine and Redmine. Managers plan work on projects with regard to the real-time capacities of workers and estimated time for task realization. Resource management allows managers to balance the workload of the people while keeping schedules of the projects.
Easy Redmine Gantt 2019 (English, 4. 9. 2019)
Gantt chart visualizes project tasks on a timeline and allows for their convenient planning – an essential tool for both simple and complex projects. Baselines, critical path, cash flow, resources, and even more tools can be displayed directly in Easy Gantt. You can also apply relations, create sub-tasks and milestones.
Easy Redmine Business Intelligence 2019 (English, 21. 8. 2019)
Business Intelligence is tunned into perfection now. Analyze your costs, revenues, ads expenses, sales data, and others in order to get real business insights. This is all thanks to visual dashboards with global filters and multidimensional views. Moreover, you can easily compare your current business data to other time periods (last year or previous period) thanks to trend modules.
Easy Redmine Scheduler 2019 (English, 7. 8. 2019)
Easy Redmine Scheduler – All-in-one calendar for tasks, meetings, attendance & CRM. Scheduler is a drag-and-drop calendar that shows all meetings, to-dos, planned resources, attendance, and spent time entries. It's quickly becoming the most used plugin by our clients because it gives an ultimate and instant overview of what is going on for both regular workers and managers.
Easy Redmine Resource Management 2019 (English, 24. 7. 2019)
Resource management made easy and visual with Easy Redmine. Resource management is a tool for professional planning and assignment of work in Easy Redmine and Redmine. Managers plan work on projects with regard to the real-time capacities of workers and estimated time for task realization. Resource management allows managers to balance the workload of the people while keeping schedules of the projects. You can easily look at how are your people utilized in the future – whether and when they are overloaded or when they are available for unassigned tasks.
What's New in Easy Redmine 2019 (English, 25. 6. 2019)
Increase the profitability of your projects with the new and richly equipped Easy Redmine 2019. New features like Business Intelligence, Scheduler, Cost Breakdown Structure, and more. Learn more about how you can use it to run your projects easier, faster, and more efficiently.
El triple imperativo (español, 26. 10. 2018)
The Iron Triangle helps to illustrate that no project-related constraint is independent of the others. If one constraint is being changed, for whatever reason, it naturally impacts the other constraints and leads to changes in them as well.
O imperativo triplo (português brasileiro, 23. 10. 2018)
The Iron Triangle helps to illustrate that no project-related constraint is independent of the others. If one constraint is being changed, for whatever reason, it naturally impacts the other constraints and leads to changes in them as well.
Easy Community (English, 13. 9. 2018)
Easy Community gathers Easy users from all around the world in one place, perfect for sharing experiences and getting advice from IT experts, admins, and regular users. Download and share project templates, dashboards, and custom modifications.
Тройной императив (рус., 11. 9. 2018)
The Iron Triangle helps to illustrate that no project-related constraint is independent of the others. If one constraint is being changed, for whatever reason, it naturally impacts the other constraints and leads to changes in them as well.
Le triple impératif (français, 5. 9. 2018)
Every project is defined, at the very least, by 3 crucial characteristics. When managed with the proper level of attention and precision, the delivery will be a breeze.
GDPR in Easy Redmine practical showcases (English, 23. 5. 2018)
Hot to set Easy Redmine up to meet GDPR requirements.
Reporting in Easy Redmine (English, 2. 5. 2018)
Learn how to easily create graphs and charts to visualize your data and get quick overviews of your team's and project's performance.
What's new in version 2018 1.2 (English, 11. 4. 2018)
Introduction of the most wanted features & plugins in the new version of Easy Redmine.
GDPR Easy Redmine (English, 28. 3. 2018)
GDPR is a topic that resonates in all European businesses. Therefore Easy Redmine is coming with new features that will help you to stay compliant with all GDPR requirements and organize personal data that you collect. So do not put your business at risk and organize your data in Easy Redmine! The following webinar will introduce upcoming features related to GDPR problematics.
Easy Money (English, 21. 3. 2018)
This webinar shows how to efficiently work with budgets, cashflows, invoicing, and payrolls. You will learn how to set up useful reports and dashboards.
Magic buttons (English, 22. 11. 2017)
Tricks and hints for working with tasks in Easy Redmine.
Knowledge Base (English, 8. 11. 2017)
Knowledge sharing is known to improve team collaboration and productivity. Learn how you can achieve those with Easy Redmine.
How Easy Redmine enhances Redmine (English, 2. 11. 2017)
Learn about Easy Redmine's key features that allow you to take your Redmine projects to a new level: advanced time & task tracking, filtering options, customizable dashboards, project templates, and more.
Outlook plugin (English, 25. 10. 2017)
Experience efficient management of multiple calendars. Two-way real-time synchronization of calendars, contacts, tasks, CRM cases, attendance records, and more data. Easy configuration for all Microsoft Outlook versions (tested on 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007).
Sales CRM (English, 11. 10. 2017)
Get full control of your customer's relationships – from a web visit to a paid invoice. Ultimate and complex CRM solution for you and your team.
HelpDesk (English, 27. 9. 2017)
The HelpDesk can be the ultimate tool for customer support. And more satisfied customers = higher profits.
Agile methods – Scrum, Kanban (English, 13. 9. 2017)
They are not just buzzwords, they really do have practical implications. But most importantly, they are not synonyms. Learn when it's best to use Kanban or when to start seriously contemplating Scrum.
Resource management – Cost (English, 30. 8. 2017)
You have the scope, you have the schedule, what is missing? Right, now you need the personnel to carry out the planned work. Let us show you the best ways to balance the workload within your team.
Iron triangle of project management + Resource Dashboard (English, 16. 8. 2017)
Every project is defined, at the very least, by 3 crucial characteristics. When managed with a proper level of attention and precision, the delivery will be a breeze.