Ostateczne rozwiązanie hostingu Redmine.
BANZAI to przedsiębiorstwo e-commerce z Włoch, które w 2013 roku obsłużyło ponad 1 milion zamówień i wygenerowało ponad 150 milionów euro przy użyciu naszego rozwiązania.
BANZAI MEDIA dociera do 17,9 miliona Włochów miesięcznie i 3 milionów każdego dnia (dane z Audiweb View - Całkowita widownia za wrzesień). Jest to wynik ich specyficznego użytkowania, jakości treści i usług. Oferują unikalną możliwość dla firm, które chcą dotrzeć do tych segmentów. Firma korzysta z Easy Redmine do zarządzania projektami, finansami, zasobami i ludźmi.
Banzai were using an older version of Redmine on their own servers. Easy Redmine was sought to provide professional services including hosting and maintenance of the system, necessary data migration from the older Redmine and development of some desired functionality. Naturally, a significant factor was the software itself and its enhancements of Redmine including all Easy Redmine plugins .
Data migration was scheduled on a specified time and date on which the whole operation was transfered from Banzai servers to the Easy Redmine server and the migration finished slightly ahead of schedule. Among the client's most required plugins were Budgets and Cash flow , Timesheets or External storages.
Even though Easy Redmine is hosted on our servers, the client requested to access the instance using a custom URL on their own server. This was provided as an additional service in close cooperation with their server admins.
Further development included creation of a specific form of reports of the time spent.
Plugins used
All Easy Redmine plugins available:
- Resource management
- Help desk
- Budgets and cash flow
- Timesheets
- External storages
- ...and all of the rest