Easy Redmine dla raportów czasu pracy.
MARSHALL CAVENDISH EDUCATION (MC Education) jest wiodącym dostawcą rozwiązań i usług e-learningowych w Singapurze. Easy Redmine pomaga w zarządzaniu firmą (szczególnie w raportowaniu czasu) bardziej efektywnie i utrzymać przewagę nad konkurencją.
The client required a comprehensive task tracking and time sheet software with customized export options, and implementation of current task and employee categorization to the new system.
The client needed a tool for detailed monitoring of time spent on tasks and overall attendance of employees with consequential reports using an established company categorization. Furthermore, reports had to be exportable into a currently used parallel ERP system.
Easy Redmine was set up to include all company markings in tasks, time entries and users by custom fields.
Project managers with higher permissions are able to view custom reports. Some fields in the reports were modified or added in the custom development. Most of the information was available by configuration in the GUI.
Export to CSV, a standard feature of Easy Redmine, was slightly modified due to specific requirements of the ERP system, into which it was imported.
Attendance monitoring is managed by an Easy Redmine extension . It monitors when users check in and out of the office (log in/out of Easy Redmine), allows to plan absence, home office and other custom attendance modes used by the company. Managers have access to various attendance reports according to their long-term and immediate needs.