איך ליצור ולנהל קבוצות ב־Redmine
מנהלים יכולים לאפיין קבוצות של לקוחות ב-Redmine. קבוצות יכולות להיות נוספות כחברים בפרויקטים בדיוק כמו לקוחות רגילים, על ידי שימוש באותם תפקידים. בעת הוספת לקוח לקבוצה קיימת, הלקוח מרוויח את כל הטבות הקבוצה.

Making groups
To make a group, do the accompanying:
- Snap Administration
- Snap Groups
- Snap New Group
- Put the title of your group in Name
- Snap Create
Including individuals and partner ventures
To add individuals to a group, do the accompanying:
- In Administration >> Groups
- Snap the name of the Group you wish to change.
- You'll see 3 tabs: General, Users, Projects
- General
❖ Change the name by altering the Name field
- Clients
❖ Include clients by checking the username box for every client
❖ Snap Add
- Projects
❖ Select a project from the spring up menu
❖ Set the Role
❖ Snap Add
Figure 1: Example Group Users tab
Figure 2: Adding Members to a Group
Figure 3: Example Group Project tab
Figure 4: Associating a group to a venture (from the Group setting)
Setting up User groups in Redmine
Admin > Groups
Here heads can oversee a group of Redmine clients.
Two client bunches are predefined: Anonymous clients and Nonmember clients. These groups have constrained consents concerning Redmine Projects and Issues.
Nonmember clients are completely enlisted clients (signed into Redmine) who are not added as Members to the undertaking they are seeing. Unknown clients are for the most part unregistered clients. These two groups will see a task on the off chance that it isn't private.
Note: Adding clients to bunches streamlines overseeing client jobs in regards to Projects since an entire gathering can be included as a venture Member with comparable Roles to clients.
Each gathering is appeared in the rundown by its name and number of clients. There is a sifting alternative by a catchphrase (e.g., group's name).
To make another gathering, click New gathering, type a name, and snap Create or Create and Continue (in the event that you need to make another group).
To alter a gathering, select it from the rundown. You can change the name of the gathering or include clients or partner ventures. Each assignment can be acted in the comparison tab.
To add clients to a chose gathering, go to the gathering's Users tab, click New client, and select at least one clients to include:
At the point when a client is added to a gathering, he consequently gets all gathering benefits (e.g., Roles in projects).
Rest Groups in Redmine
Returns the rundown of gatherings.
This endpoint requires administrator benefits.
<groups type="array">
Makes a group.
This endpoint requires administrator benefits.
- Boundaries:
❖ Group (required): a hash of the gathering properties, including:
❏ name (required): the gathering name
❏ user_ids: ids of the gathering clients (an unfilled gathering is made if not gave)
- Example:
❖ POST/groups.xml
<user_ids type="array">
❖ POST/groups.json
"group": {
"name": "Engineers",
"user_ids": [ 3, 5 ]
- 201 Created: bunch was made
- 422 Unprocessable Entity: bunch was not made because of approval disappointments (reaction body contains the mistake messages)
Returns subtleties of a gathering.
This endpoint requires administrator benefits.
- Parameter:
❖ incorporate (discretionary): a state of unconsciousness isolated rundown of relationship to remember for the reaction:
❏ user
❏ member
<users type="array">
<user id="5" name="John Smith"/>
<user id="8" name="Dave Loper"/>
Updates a current gathering.
This endpoint requires administrator benefits.
Erases a current gathering.
This endpoint requires administrator benefits.
Adds a current client to a gathering.
This endpoint requires administrator benefits.
- Parameters:
❖ user_id (required): id of the client to add to the gathering.
- Response:
❖ 200 OK: user was added to the gathering
Expels a client from a gathering.
This endpoint requires administrator benefits.
200 OK: User was evacuated to the group