DevOps for Easy Redmine - Software garapenerako ikuspegia berria Redmine guztientzat
DevOps ingurunean ahalik eta eraginkorren erabilera lortzeko nahi baduzu, gauza erraz eta eraginkor baten bidez aurrera egiteko pauso bat gehitu. Hori dela-eta, Easy Redmine 2019 probatu, DevOps pakete berria barne. Garapena eta Operazioak bateratzeak, proiektu kudeaketa bikainarekin batera, ikuspegi berri bat ekarriko du software garapenerako Redmineren guztientzat.

If you’re new to DevOps practices or looking to improve your current processes, it could have been a challenge to know which tool to choose for your team. Or maybe not anymore.
Easy Redmine 2019 introduces new DevOps plugins bundle that incorporates improved Requirements and Test Cases, most wanted Jira plugin Diagrams for creating smart diagrams right in Easy Redmine as well as software repositories.
So you can get all you need for DevOps along with your favorite Redmine upgrade. And what's even better, feel free to explore these features right here and now, for free.
Test Cases for more rigorous and systematic testing
Test cases plugin is a great tool that helps with repetitive processes and testing stories/scenarios and is compatible with many testing methodologies. Test cases are especially useful for IT teams for more rigorous and systematic testing, as well as industrial companies. Manage your testing right in the projects. Test cases integrated with project management are a huge help for any company in need of testing its solutions.
Test cases are very popular and useful in the automotive industry, for example, allowing complete testing management for all testing methodologies. The key features include a scenario description field, a field with expected results, CSV import, an overview of the tests performed, related tasks, and much more. The import feature is pretty useful to transfer already created test cases from another system.
Easy Redmine 2019 - Test Cases
Improved Requirements 2019 for advanced management of your artifacts
Requirements management is useful for technically sophisticated projects where lots of small components and details build a big and impressive product (like a car or a piece of machinery). Simply create artifacts, which represent basic attributes in the requirements' tree structure. This technical decomposition of a project/product offers an unlimited tree structure of artifacts with their own statuses.
You can choose from 3 customizable types of artifacts (Section, Requirement, Change request) as well as incoming/outgoing relationships between artifacts. Moreover, feel free to link artifacts to selected tasks or use import/export option for quick transfer of already existing artifact from/to another system. Modify your artifacts with custom fields for requirements.
Easy Project 2019 - Improved Requirements
Diagrams are a alternative integrated right within Easy Redmine
Create powerful UML or other diagrams right within your tasks, dashboards, knowledge base, requirements or test scenarios. Edit and update diagrams without the need for any other software. alternative is now integrated right within Easy Redmine. Diagrams feature can be accessed via Diagram button in any HTML editor toolbar of Easy Redmine. Then simply use the editor to draw your diagram.
Each diagram is saved under its specific name, and it automatically shows in the field where it was created. To add or remove a diagram from the field, simply add or remove the text in a specific format. A diagram created on a task is automatically saved as an image attachment of that particular task. To edit an existing diagram, just click on the "Edit diagram". To revert back a previous version of the diagram, simply choose one from the drop-down list of versions.
Easy Redmine 2019 - Diagrams